B-Goth Boutique
At some point, I’d decided to make the reasonable and well-thought-out decision to try my hand at fashion design. (Please, no questions.)
Meet Gothic B-boy, the human product of an alternate history set in an America that is very different from the one we have come to know. Springing from a mid-20th Century cultural renaissance in a socially divided and war-torn St. Louis, the Gothic B-boy is the quintessential American samurai. One part throwback Victorian gentleman, one part street-bred battle dancer, the Gothic B-boy is a walking marriage of old-world class and post-apocalyptic toughness. Whether taking tricks at the bridge table, or fighting a battle dance to win the honor of a roller derby maiden, the Gothic B-boy lives by a refined code of grace and style.... and ruthless opportunism. So, slide into a pair of knee socks and Battle Britches... and don’t forget your suede bucket hat. It’s gonna be a long night in St. Louis drinking shandies by the moonlight. Oh, and in case you have a run-in with a rival crew that don’t care to dance it out, our boutique carries sword canes.